Panorama-anmelderne oppsummerer 2009

Panorama-anmelderne oppsummerer 2009

Panoramas anmeldere har plukket ut sine favorittalbum og –låter for i år. Sjekk våre lister før du drar av sted til musikkbutikken for å kjøpe årets siste julegaver – eller skal bytte årets uønskede musikalske julegaver.

Frode Jørum:

Årets album:
1. PropagandhiSupporting Caste
2. ConvergeAxe To Fall
3. KråkesølvTrådnøsting
4. Golden CityGolden City
5. Raised FistVeil of Ignorance
6. MastodonCrack The Skye
7. ImmortalAll Shall Fall
8. The Pains of Being Pure At HeartThe Pains of Being Pure At Heart
9. SlayerWorld Painted Blood
10. Killswitch EngageKillswitch Engage

Årets låter:
1. KråkesølvSkredder
2. DonkeyboyAmbitions
3. MontéeIsle of Now
4. Golden CityBrighten
5. Raised FistFriends and Traitors
6. Röyksopp feat. RobynThe Girl And The Robot
7. Norma SassJune
8. Scumbag Travel AgencySlow Burning
9. The New ViolatorsBurma
10. Cage The ElephantAin’t No Rest For The Wicked

Andreas Haugaard:

Årets album:
1. Golden SilversTrue Romance
2. La RouxLa Roux
3. Mariachi El BronxMariachi El Bronx
4. White LiesTo Lose My Life…
5. Cold CaveLove Comes Close
6. MontèeIsle Of Now
7. Fever RayFever Ray
8. TelepathDance Mother
9. TellusalieThe Man Across The Fountain
10. Wave MachinesWave If You’re Really There.

Årets låter:
1. Golden SilversArrows Of Eros
2. La RouxIn For The Kill
3. La RouxBulletproof
4. La RouxQuicksand
5. White LiesFarewell to the Fairground
6. Yeah Yeah YeahsZero
7. Asher RothShe Don’t Wanna Man
8. Mariachi El BronxSleepwalking
9. Big PinkDominoes
10. KissNever Enough

Bjørnar Hjellen

Årets album:
1. Fever RayFever Ray
2. Animal CollectiveMerriweather Post Pavillion
3. Manic Street PreachersJournal For Plague Lovers
4. DovesKingdom Of Rust
5. Wild BeastsTwo Dancers
6. The XXXX
7. GossipMusic For Men
8. RöyksoppJunior
9. GirlsAlbum
10. Prefab SproutLet’s Change The World With Music

Årets låter:
1. YACHTI’m In Love With A Ripper
2. Fever RaySeven
3. GossipHeavy Cross
4. Pet Shop BoysVulnerable
5. The XXInfinity
6. Depeche ModeWrong
7. DovesKingdom Of Rust
8. Sivert HøyemEmpty House
9. Prefab SproutRide
10. RöyksoppRöyksopp Forever

Siw Hildebrand

Årets album:
1. Florence + The MachineLungs
2. GossipMusic for Men
3. Mariachi el BronxEl Bronx
4. U2No Line on the Horizon
5. Yeah Yeah YeahsIt’s Blitz!
7. The XXXX
8. Fever RayFever Ray
9. The Dead WeatherHorehound
10. Lars WinnerbäckTänk om jeg ångrar mig och sen ångrar mig igen

Årets låter:
1. U2Magnificent
2. Florence + The MachineRabbit Heart (Raise it up)
3. The Gaslight AnthemThe 59’sound
4. Lily AllenFuck You Very Much
5. White LiesTo Lose My Life
6. Jay Z feat. Alicia KeysNew York State of Mind
7. GossipDimestore Diamond
8. Christina Bjordal feat. Bugge WesseltoftIn Your Waters
9. Animal CollectiveIn the Flowers
10. U2Moment of Surrender

Dagfinn Bergesen:

Årets album:
1. Son VoltAmerican Central Dust
2. TellusalieThe Man Across The Fountain
3. Ian HunterMan Overboard
4. John Olav Nilsen Og GjengenFor Sant Til Å Være Godt
5. Levon HelmElectric Dirt
6. Roseanna CashThe List
7. Chuck ProphetLet Freedom Ring!
8. Kris KristoffersonCloser To The Bone
9. Cheap TrickThe Latest
10.The Black CrowesBefore The Frost?Until The Freeze

Paul A. Nordal:

Årets album:
1. The XXXX
2. Manic Street PreachersJournal For Plague Lovers
3. Son VoltAmerican Central Dust
4. DovesKingdom Of Rust
5. Alberta CrossBroken Side Of Time
6. Fever RayFever Ray
7. GallowsGrey Britain
8. WilcoWilco (The Album)
9. Pet Shop BoysYes
10. MastodonCrack The Skye

Årets låter:
1. Pet Shop BoysLove Etc.
2. Death Cab For CutieMeet Me On The Equinox
3. Alberta CrossSteel And Glass
4. YACHTI’m In Love With A Ripper
5. Fever RayI’m Not Done
6. Bon Iver feat. St. VincentRoslyn
7. RihannaRussian Roulette
8. The Dead WeatherThreat Me Like Your Mother
9. Brendan BensonFeels Like Taking You Home
10. Bad LieutenantThis Is Home

Thomas Olsen:

Årets album:
1. Fever RayFever Ray
2. PeachesI Feel Cream
3. RöyksoppJunior
4. The XXThe XX
5. La RouxLa Roux
6. Love:Fi18
7. Heroes & ZerosSimian Vices Modern Devices
8. LaBrassBandaÜbersee
9. a-haFoot Of The Mountain
10. RihannaRated R

Årets låter:
1. Röyksopp feat. RobynThe Girl And The Robot
2. Pet Shop BoysLove Inc
3. U2Magnificent
4. Fever RayTriangle Walks
5. BloodgroupMy Arms
6. EditorsPapillon
7. KasabianFire
8. LenkaTrouble Is a Friend
9. Lily AllenThe Fear
10. Depeche ModeWrong

Erik Sætrang Amundsen

Årets album:
1. The HeavyThe House That Dirt Built
2. Green Day21st Century Breakdown
3. Grizzly BearVeckatimest
4. Richard SwiftThe Atlantic Ocean
5. Yeah Yeah YeahsIt’s Blits!
6. DonkeyboyCaught in a Life
7. Molina and JohnsonMolina and Johnson
8. Sivert HøyemMoon Landing
9. Florence & The MachineLungs
10. WilcoWilco (the Album)

Dag Yngve Dahle

Årets album:
1. Pink Mountaintops Outside Love
2. The VeilsSun Gangs
3. Foreign Born Person to Person
4. Florence + The MachineLungs
5. Animal CollectiveMerriweather Post Pavillion
6. Bat For LashesTwo Suns
7. Clem SnideHungry Bird
8. Neko CaseMiddle Cyclone
9. The Broken Family BandPlease And Thank You
10. EditorsIn This Light And On This Evening

Henning Poulsen

Årets album:
1. WilcoWilco (The Album)
2. MorrisseyYears of Refusal
3. Animal CollectiveMerriweather Post Pavillion
4. Hope Sandoval & the Warm InventionsThrough the Devil Softly
5. The XXXX
6. Yo La TengoPopular Songs
7. Jay Farrar & Benjamin GibbonsOne Fast Move or I’m Gone
8. Monsters of FolkMonsters of Folk
9. Son VoltAmerican Central Dust
10. Martin HagforsMen and Flies

Årets låter:
1. Animal CollectiveMy Girls
2. Röyksopp feat. RobynThe Girl And The Robot
3. La RouxBulletproof
4. MorrisseySomething is Squeezing My Skull
5. Super Furry AnimalsWhite Socks/Flip Flops
6. Wild BeastsAll the Kings Men
7. The Phantom BandThe Howling
8. Pet Shop BoysLove Etc.
9. Bad LieutenantSink or Swim
10. MadnessIdiot Child

Henning Poulsen

Jeg har skrevet for Panorama siden 2000, og de senere årene har jeg fungert som nettavisens redaktør. Jeg er utdannet journalist og jobber i kommunikasjonsbransjen. På fritiden har musikkhobbyen etter hvert fått konkurranse av ølbrygging.

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